>> Learn How to Make Money Online So You Can Create Freedom & Flexibility To Do What You Love! << As a nurse, does the climate of healthcare leave you feeling exhausted? Are you searching for fulfillment? What if you could quit work and be at home with your kids? How would it feel to live a life where I don’t have to get up by an alarm clock? Would you love to be able to prioritize family FIRST? How about having more time to do what you want, whenever you want?! Get ready to break-free from 12-hour shifts and start thinking outside of the box (aka the hospital)- no more settling for a nursing job for the ”good hours” or thinking you need to further your education to make an income + an impact. If you’re like me, the main reason you got into healthcare was TO HELP PEOPLE, but now you want something MORE — whether you’re feeling: - Burnt-out, unfulfilled, overwhelmed are frustrated with hospital administration or the overall broken healthcare system - You’re tired of working 12’s, night shifts, holidays & weekends - Enticed with bonuses to work overtime - You feel stuck in your career, are searching for FULFILLMENT - Or you just want more FLEXIBILITY to be at home with your family, more FINANCIAL FREEDOM to be able to do what you want when you want - Is work leaving you feeling exhausted and spent; Work gets the best of you while your family gets what‘s left of you? - Maybe you wanna be able to work PT or per-diem and actually be able to show up to work as your BEST SELF to love on your patients AND have some left over for your family when you get home - How would it feel to be able to pay off all of your student loans in this lifetime, or maybe eventually be completely debt free!? Whatever you‘re feeling, whatever your WHY for wanting to make extra money as a nurse— Here on this podcast I am gonna walk you through how to MAKE MONEY ONLINE SO YOU CAN CREATE FREEDOM AND FLEXIBILITY TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE! Become an Entrepreneur with your own Side Hustle, Blog, Podcast, YouTube channel, create Online Courses, dive into Affiliate Marketing, start an MLM/ Network Marketing Business — there are TONS of different ways you can bless the world with your knowledge online AND make a be able to make some money while doing it! Hey, I am BriAnne Bell -- Registered Nurse, Passive Income Advocate, Online Business Coach & Basic Budget Boss! Between me and my passive income guest interviews, you’ll have the opportunity to explore and decide which passive income options might be right for you! I’m on a mission to help nurses take control of their lives so they DON’T have to work until they retire!! We deserve to live a life on OUR terms- whether that’s being able to prioritize our family first, feel like our best selves, or be debt free- we CAN have it all! This podcast is for you if you are a Nurse or Healthcare Professional who is ready to grow outside the hospital walls -- If you want to get creative and build a business online that allows you to CREATE FREEDOM AND FLEXIBILITY IN YOUR LIFE + QUIT YOUR NURSE JOB AND BE AT HOME + PUT YOUR FAMILY FIRST + BE ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT AND LIVE YOUR DREAMS!! Get ready to be INSPIRED, step into your FAITH, pay off DEBT, put FAMILY first and create FREEDOM in your life! CONNECT: FB: https://www.facebook.com/brianne.bell2/ IG: @thepassiveincomenurse Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianne-bell-b0596417b/ Email: brianne@briannebell.com Website: www.briannebell.com
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
2 Common things that could be hurting your Hormonal Balance
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
What is up my nurse friends!!
In today's episode I am revealing 2 very common things that could be jacking up your hormones. There is a ton of information packed into this 1 episode so get ready to take some notes!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Friday May 28, 2021
Are 12 hour shifts effecting your health? You may need this insurance policy
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
What's up my Nursing friends!!
I hope you are enjoying these Health & Wellness Episodes! If you are, please let me know over in The Passive Income Nurse Podcast FB community! Today is part 3 of the 6 part series and we are going to be discussing MICRONUTRIENTS — MACROS get a lot of attention, but today I’m gonna chat with you about the greater importance of MICROS with an emphasis on our endocrine system and how they, along with gut health basically effect EVERYTHING in our body!!
"LIVING your best life starts with you giving your body what it NEEDS to thrive!"
There are a lot of things that disrupt our endocrine system — stress, over exercising, working at a job we hate — have a major impact on our bodies. Our diet AND our gut health are both EXTREMELY important —
So, whether you’re NOT eating foods that provide enough of the MICROnutrients your body needs to optimize endocrine function OR may be you you are consuming nutrient dense foods, but your body can’t absorb enough of of the vitamins + minerals they contain due to gut dybiosos — whatever the reason, the results is the same — a lack of sufficient nutrients to keep your hormones happy and balanced!
A few key supplements that you can consider “your insurance policy” as you begin to balance your hormones and endocrine system naturally are:
- B Vitamins — they are critical for hormonal health, play a hug role in energy, moods, skin, and stress response.
- Magnesium — this is MAGIC for your hormones, it is essential for hormone creation and also contributes to cortisol regulation, thyroid function, blood sugar balance, and sleep.
- Omega 3 fay acids — TONS of evidence point to omega-3 fatty acids as POTENT soothers of mensural-related symptoms/PMS, mood boosters, stress busters, anti-inflammatory against, and skin rejuvenators.
- Vitamin D — helps support the brain, immune system, and nervous system. Also helps regulate insulin levels, which stabilized BS. It’s also been linked to mood, dopamine production in the brain, and serotonin levels.
- Probiotics — Gut bacteria supplement the contains BILLIONS of friendly bacteria intended to promote gut healthy, aka a healthy microbiome. Your gut is an important part of of the elimination system…which we’re familiar with…the GI tract eliminates, but it’s also vital to getting rid of excess estrogen in the body. Too!
- Antioxidants —vitamin C, selenium, and alpha lipoid acid all promote liver function — and as you know, the liver is our primary filter, it detoxifies, flushes out the excess, and when liver function is low, it could mean the your body won’t flush out excess estrogen adequately, making you vulnerable to estrogen dominance.
Linked here are the 2 blog post I mentioned for you if you want to check them out:
Also HERE is a video linked up for you on the Quality Plant-Based Supplement I consume everyday! You may recognize the guy in the video, Darin Olien, he is the creator/formulator and recently was featured in the Netflix series Down to Earth with Zac Efron!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
- Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
- Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
- Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
- Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
- weight gain
- bloated
- acne
- low energy/fatigue/feeling blah
- decreased mood/depression
- insomnia
- hot flashes/night sweating (non-menopausal women)
- heart palpitations
- anxiety
- breast tenderness
- headaches/migraines/brain fog
- difficultly concentrating
- skin rashes
- infertility
- inflammation
- lower libido/vaginal dryness
- Irregular periods
- Endometriosis
These are all SYMPTOMS. Symptoms of an IMBALANCE in your body. Specifically with the hormones ESTROGEN and PROGESTERONE. This is NOT your body “messing up”, it’s doing it’s job...It’s trying to tell you that something is not right!!
What if you could balance the BODY NATURALLY? With out pharmaceuticals...without this stuff👉a COMPOUND manufactured for use as a medical drug (legit, the definition of phar·ma·ceu·ti·cal)
Would you?!
Seriously. What if YOU listen to YOUR body instead of making an appointment for someone else to figure out what is going on with your body? .
It’s sounds silly when you say it like that, right? Don’t get me wrong, I know there is a time and place for conventional medicine, but there are so many opportunities for us to just listen to what our bodies are telling us and be able to help ourselves.
Instead of taking a prescription pill 💊 why not FIX the underlying cause instead of just putting a bandaid on it?
Here are the 4 ESTROGEN balancing FOODS discussed in this episode:
1. Pumpkin seeds (high in zinc=anti-inflammatory)
1tbs. ground
2. Flax seed 1tbs. ground
(high in lignans which act as estrogen blockers to reduce excess estrogen — Lignans are compounds found in plants- they’re rich in a plant-based omega-3 fat, a “good” fat that promotes heart health. Just a tablespoon of flaxseeds provides you with 8 percent of the daily value for fiber, which supports weight control and keeps your GI tract running smoothly. Flaxseeds are also the best source of lignans, a type of phytonutrient that has added benefits too — like Cancer Prevention Benefits — Scientists have studied flaxseed lignans for their ability to fight breast cancer and other estrogen-related malignancies.
3. Sesame seeds 1tbs. ground (contain lignans, but not as much as flaxseeds — helps prevent the build up of excess estrogen while high zinc content promotes progesterone production)
4. Sunflower seeds 1 tbs. ground (high in selenium which helps support liver detoxification — your liver is the main filter that gets rid of excess hormones — and vitamin E which helps balance progesterone levels.
You can also continue flaxseed in the second 1/2 of your cycle as well because it will increase transit time in the gut & address any estrogen dominance contributing to your PMS.
Seed Cycling Mensural Cycle Specific-
• First 14 days 1tbs. pumpkin seeds and flax seeds daily
• Last 14 days 1 tbs. sesame seeds and sunflower seeds daily
More Resources on Seed Cycling can be found in the book In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life by Alisa Vitti
and on this Episode of The Cabral Concept Podcast, hosted by Dr. Stephen Cabral Nautropath, Ayurvedic and Functional Medicine Practitioner!!
Wanna #keephealthysimple? Start with this foundational QUALITY PLANT-BASED Nutritional Supplement!
Wanna learn more? You can check out my BLOG post HERE!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
In today’s episode we’ll be discussing the 4 phases of the female hormonal cycle and learning about how to optimize each phases to your advantage — I’m going to try and keep it simple for you — male or female, this information can be super helpful to educate your female patients on or your spouse or significant other—we are going to be talking all about the diffrent hormonal cycles female body goes through on a monthly basis —and I’ll relate them to the seasons of the year Winter, Spring, Fall, Summer —
Within the 4 phases I will talking about specific diets, cooking methods and workouts to consider — keep in mind — the diet recommendations are optimal for your monthly fluctuation of your hormonal cycle which means — they are short term, so when I say kept style, don’t think that because it’s recommended within a certain phase of your hormonal cycle that you should eat this way all the time — the diet recommendations are beneficial to support your hormones and endocrine system. I just wanted to make that clear — I will always promote a plant-based diet across the board, b/c it IS THE HEALTHIEST way to eat — but I also see the benefit of including diffrent styles of eating to maximize living a healthy life - so now that that’s out of the way, lets dive in!!
Phase #1 Follicular 7-10 days, begins directly after your period ends. This is SPRING season for females; PREPARE phase. This is the time to be creative, dream, brainstorm, prepare, plan, research, be curious, set your intentions for the day/week/year, fill your calendar, take course etc.
Diet: Intermittent Fasting, Calorie restriction — your appetite is surpassed, so it’s easier for your body to handle a reduction in calories, which can help with weight loss in the first 1/2 of your cycle
Cooking: Steaming, Sauté — as estrogen is on the rise, opt for light cooking methods
Workout: cardio
Phase #2 Ovulatory 3-4 days, This is SUMMER for females; Estrogen rises dramatically. This is the time toOPEN UP phase. It’s a great time to socialize, talk about plans, collaborate, schedule dates, meetings, interviews, connect, have important conversations.
Diet: Raw vegan — as estrogen peaks, vegetables aid in metabolizing the hormone to prevent an excessive build up and to avoid estrogen dominance. As your body temp rises, cooler foods are best.
Cooking: Raw, salads, smoothies, juices — estrogen is surging, your body is at it’s warmest — enjoy fresh, raw, foods — veggies, fruits, salads — stick to lighter preparations
Workout: HIIT, Boot camps, kickboxing
Phase #3 Luteal 10-14 days FALL season. WORK phase. This is the time to tend to things, get it done! Get organized, accomplish goals. Tend to your home, finances, and admin stuff. Nurture, do deep work.
Diet: Complex carbs -- Your body needs more calories during tis phase, and slow-burning complex carbs and beans provide calories while stabilizing blood sugar
Cooking: Roasting, Baking — estrogen levels are dipping
Workout: Weighs/Strength training (first 1/2)
Pilates/Barre (second 1/2)
Phase #4 Mensural 3-7 days; this is like the winter season for our bodies.
This is the REST phase. This is the time when it’s best to relax and reflect. Be kind to yourself and review all the good things you’ve accomplished. This is a good time to EVALUATE and to TRUST your INTUITION, trust those instincts —
Diet: Paleo/Grain free — as hormone levels and your body temp drop during this phase, skip the foods that promote estrogen metabolism and stick to warming foods. A kept, paleo, or grain free diet can give your body what it needs during your monthly bleed.
Cooking: Soups, stews — your body is at it’s coolest — prepare warm, hearty foods
Workouts: Walking, foam rolling, yoga, rest/nap
Today's episode content was inspired by a recent book I read called In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life
I highly recommend it if you are struggle with female hormonal related issues. As humans, and especially as healthcare professionals, we have the POWER to take control of our health and we can empower others to do the same!!
Would love to hear your thoughts over in the FB Community!!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
The next 6 episodes on The Passive Income Nurse Podcast are gonna be ALLLL about Health & Wellness. Why?! #1 Because Health and Wellness is my jam and #2 I believe the EVERYTHING we want out of life starts with our health -- when you take care of ourselves (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually) we FEEL our BEST -- and we can show up as our BEST SELVES. We can truly step into our purpose (what God has placed us on this earth to do) and we can walk out our calling!!
I'm gonna be sharing a lot about female hormones (guys, you can tune in too -- it may just help you understand your significant other a little better) & how we can balance them NATURALLY without prescription pills. The power of a plant-based diet, how to replenish your micronutrients, the effects of caffeine and synthetic birth control on your endocrine system, my favorite health related books + documentaries and MORE!!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Hey Nurse friends!
Have you ever wanted to start a side hustle or build a passive income business but HATE the idea of having to take selfies & show up on social media 24/7?!
You're in for a treat today! Listen and get inspired as Juliana shares how she built a 6-figure Amazon business with only 80 followers on Instagram AND opened an Etsy shop (during the pandemic) that hit 10K in 6 months!! Juliana is a wife, work from home mom, 6-figure online business owner and podcaster!
Julian knows what it feels like to want to make money and an impact from home while raising our kiddos, trying to manage a house, and having an ever growing to do list. After trying so many different things and being overwhelmed by the online promises from fancy, expensive business coaches, she discovered a secret: you can make 6- figures and beyond running an Amazon store or Etsy shop, right from HOME, from your computer, in your pj’s, with your mom bun, while the kids are hanging out in the next room. The dream can become a reality!
Get ready to hear her thoughts on 3 ways nurses can make money on Amazon & Etsy!
You can check out Juliana's Beginner Mom Boss Podcast HERE!!
On her podcast, you’ll find how to set up your Amazon FBA Store or Etsy Shop for success, strategies to market your Etsy shop and Amazon store effectively, how to drive traffic to your Etsy shop and Amazon store, Etsy SEO, how to make your Etsy store and Amazon FBA business bloom, plus all the back office strategies to make your online store and e-commerce business work for you, so you can have balance and the life you’ve been dreaming of!
-Learn more about Juliana: www.julianabarbati.com
-Email: howdy@julianabarbati.com
-Join the FB Community: www.facebook.com/groups/beginnermomboss
- Get access to her Online Course: Beginner Etsy Boss
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Setting Godly Goals: 7 practical steps to evaluate your goals
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Hey Nurse Friends!
Today's episode is all about Godly goal setting! I'm excited for you to drive in, be ready to take some notes!
This 7 step process came from a 7 day devotional that I went through at the beginning of 2021. I had to honestly evaluate the foundation of my goals and realign my focus accordingly. I hope that you find value in today's show and if you want to check out the 7 day plan, it's by She works His way (swHw) and is available on the You Version app. I've linked it HERE for you!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Have goals, but need to get Clarify Your Calling?! Check out my girl Stefanie Gass, Clarify your Calling Course HERE!
Friday May 14, 2021
LIFESTYLE IS MEDICINE -The world needs nurses to advocate!!
Friday May 14, 2021
Friday May 14, 2021
Hey Friends!
Today's show is all about Lifestyle IS MEDICINE!
Diet and lifestyle are the root of all health and disease and NUTRITION is the corner stone of our health- We are truly what we eat.
Did you know that on average we eat 80,000 pounds of food per year!? The quality of that food will either keeps us healthy or makes us sick…and let's be honest with ourselves....a few milligrams of medicine will NEVER be more important than that 80,000 pounds of food we eat.
The GREATEST factor of your health during your lifetime is the FOOD that you choose to eat.
Think Whole Foods-Food that grow in the dirt- Real, LIVE food, Food that rots/decomposes, Plants-Vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, grains,
Nothing can replace REAL nutrition -While technology and science advancements are amazing, Eating REAL Whole Foods and feeding our bodies with micronutrients is a MUST- a couple of milligrams of medicine will NEVER be able to overcome the effect of what we eat. PERIOD.
Unfortunately, our healthcare system ignores the role of nutrition and disease. And it’s not the doctors fault, but the system- even if a MD was to offer nutritional counseling, there is no way to bill for the time…the system actually penalizes doctors for taking the time to discuss nutrition. And when money is involved, unfortunately, money will always win.
The same reason you’ll probably never see a commercial for sweet potatoes or broccoli is the same reason breakthroughs on the power of foods to affect your health and longevity may never make it to the public: IT’S NOT PROFITABLE. There’s no money in healthcare prevention.
Now, you may say well it’s in my genes…and there are a lot more studies coming out about genetics and epigenetic that prove that your LIFESTYLE can actually trump genetics. The science shows that genes only account for 10-20 % of most risk. Think conditions like hypertension, MI, cancer, etc. things like your environment (where you live) and your diet (what you eat) can + or - effect your life, your longevity MORE. Your family history does NOT have to become your destiny.
Adhering to 4 simple healthy lifestyle factors can have a strong impact on the prevention chronic diseases:
- Not smoking
- Not being obese
- Getting 30 min of exercise/day
- Eating healthier (more Whole Foods- fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, seeds)
As healthcare professionals, if we advocated living a healthy lifestyle, those 4 things, we could potentially wipe out more than 90% of developing DM, more than 80% of MI, 50% stokes, reduce overall cancer risk by more than 25%- Colon cancer, the number 2 cancer killer, up to 71% of canes appear to be preventable with simple diets and lifestyle change.
I don’t advocate for a vegan or vegetarian diet, I advocate for an evidence-based diet, and the best available balance of science suggest that more whole plant foods we eat, the better! The ONLY diet that has been PROVEN to CURE heart disease is a PLANT BASED DIET. PLANTS ARE MEDICINE!!
This world needs us!! If you could, would you work from home advocating Lifestyle MEDICINE?
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Nurses, do you agree? The Healthcare Business Model
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Hey Nurse Friends!
A tough question...Is our healthcare system broken?
As healthcare professionals, it’s a harsh reality and it can be a hard pill to swallow (no pun intend) to think that healthcare in America sucks. We all have sacrificed time, energy, money-we’ve worked log hours, spent time away from our families..
But theres a reason why the US is ranked 43rd in the world in life expectancy.
We have a healthcare system that is great a identifying problems once they exist (most of the time, anyway) and then trying to manage them with a combination of pills and procedures.
Pills can improve SYMPTOMS or slow disease progression in some cases, but it will always come at a cost. Think about the LONG LIST of side effects associated with just 1 prescription pill-
It’s SICK care, not HEALTH care. There is little to no focus on PREVENTION.
The truth is medical training does NOT emphasis prevention- There is no emphasis on nutrition…ask any medical doctor and they will tell you that they were taught very little about nutrition, but studied endlessly for pharmacology exams.
Pharmaceuticals can be the most amazing life saving interventions in the world. They can save your life. The problem is that drugs are hardly ever needed for the average individual- unless you’re in a life or death situation where if you didn’t get the drug you’d die, there is no need to take a rx drug. And yet, it seems normal that Americans are prescribed multiple drugs, 65+ are on an average of 4 rx pills daily, and I’d venture to say it’s even more-
As nurses we pass meds all day long- stop and think about how many medications you hand out in 1 shift, in 1 day- it’s CRAZY. And then, what about the side effects of all of those meds!? It becomes a vicious cycle of prescribing a med for a symptom and then another med for another symptom-
Side effects of drugs have massive side effects and have been studied. Research has PROVEN the be DETRIMENTAL to your long term health.
For example think about all the stain drugs that we hand out to patients with high cholesterol, which we all know is PREVENTABLE/CURABLE with diet and exercise- it’s been proven to cause muscle weakness, muscle death, DMII, Cardio myopathy (this means you can still die of heart related issues even though you’re lowering your cholesterol and supposedly protecting your heart health!), neurological issues, liver damage, acidosis, anemia, sexual dysfunction, cataracts, memory loss.
There are ways to rebalance and fix cholesterol WITHOUT a rx, but so many ppl don’t know this- as healthcare professionals why are we not advocating this?!!
Another popular drug for acid reflux- which brings in billions of dollars a year from just 1 pills- seems so harmless- severely limits the body’s ability to digest food (PPI inhibit stomach acid, but you NEED it to break down protein!) This can lead to parasites invading your intestines, malnourishment, osteoporosis from the poor absorption of calcium and other minerals and IBS.
And did you know that this drug has a warning that it should not be used for more than 2 weeks…when was the last time you heard of someone taking a PPI for just 2 weeks?
Sadly, most doctors are not taught in medical school why someone would get acid reflux in the first place. And, if your’e never taught why acid reflux would occur from a whole-body system perspective, how could you ever know what to look for and rebalance to help your patients?
It’s NOT the doctors fault, it’s the systems.
The system is broken. Because it’s the system, this then leads to doctors that are specifically instructed to match up your current symptoms to a drug that can be prescribed, which is then covered by health insurance.
It’s a perfect business model:
-Drug co. pay professors to talk about specific drugs during class
-Medical school teaches future doctors to match drugs to symptoms
-Insurance co. pay for the drugs
-Drug co. get you hooked on their product
_The drug you take causes side effects, which leads to additional drugs being prescribed to mask those symptoms
-Drug use causes life-long dependance on a monthly subscription plan that you pay for
I know it can be hard to accept this as a nurse, as a doctor or any other healthcare professional. I truly believe that we all got into healthcare to actually help people, and to realize that the healthcare system that we work for is NOT doing this is upsetting. BUT, we can advocate my friends. We can arm ourselves with knowledge and share it with others and we have the credibility to do so! We may not be a able to change the system, but we can change lives, we can make an impact and help others without pushing pharmaceuticals.
Think about the online space! Think about how many people you could impact and help. Our patients need us to be their advocate inside the hospital and outside of the hospital. We can change peoples lives.
The band-aid approach is keeping our patients sick- High blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, GERD, cancer, obesity are ALL PREVENTABLE. Most deaths in the US are preventable, and related to what we we. Americans, your family members, your loved ones are dying of preventable diseases. Let’s do something about it!
If you haven't had the chance, please SUBSCRIBE and give a start rating and REVIEW on iTunes, I’d love your feedback! If you could, take 30 seconds to let me know what you think of the podcast, it would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!
-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Hey Nurse Friends!
Are you ready to get inspired?! Today's episode is an interview I did with Aubree Malick. Aubree was a full time school teacher who built a virtual assistant business online and replaced her teaching salary within 2 months! She was determined to not have to go back into the classroom after she had her second son and she made it happen! How cool is that!?!
Aubree now teaches overwhelmed freelancers how to scale to $5k+/month with a signature service and proven systems! She used to be an elementary teacher, but everything changed once my first son was born. She wanted to have more flexibility in my job and create my own schedule (around my kids!) During her deep dive searches of mom Facebook groups for “work at home” jobs, she found freelancing. Within two months, she was making enough money to resign from her teaching job – just in time for her second son to arrive! By putting systems and strategy in place, her freelancing business took off – and she replaced her teaching income. She's never looked back! Now, she helps other freelancers who are ready to take their business to new heights without working #allthehours!
Listen in today as Aubree shares 3 Ways to Make Money from Home as a Mom!
Ways to connect + work with Aubree:
1. IG: @aubreemalick
3. Website: aubreemalick.com
Wanting to start your virtual assistant business but have no idea what to do?! THE PREP is my step-by-step system to jumpstarting your business with my proven method.
You will learn the ins and outs of starting your business, what services to offer, how to set up systems from the start and how to market your business!
This signature membership will walk you through a three-step framework to simplifying, streamlining and scaling your service based business.
This is not just another course that will collect dust on your digital shelf.
This is a course meets group coaching hybrid. Not only you do get access to my exact framework of how she scaled her business, but you also get a coach who is just as dedicated to helping you grow and scale!
JOIN the waitlist HERE!
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-Follow along with BriAnne on Instagram @brianne_bell_ for more behind the scenes, reel life, inspiration and encouragement!
-Join the The Passive Income Nurse Podcast Community on FB, a place to continue the conversation about making money online -- discover how to make money online + make an impact!
-Website + Wellness Blog: briannebell.com
-Email brianne@brainnebell.com